Meet Coalescence EcoVillage


Our Vision

Imagine waking up in a place of exquisite beauty where you feel safe, peaceful, and healthy. Imagine being around people who hold your best interest as a part of their own and who support you to belong to a group that sees your value. Imagine communicating in a way where both parties feel seen, heard and understood with compassion. Imagine organizing your day around tasks that are exciting and rejuvenating. Imagine feeling like an integral part of a team where your presence and conscious attention to your own aptitudes, skills and desires are building equity or tenure in your home and community. Imagine your negative emotions and shadows being embraced with empathy, support, guidance, and approval. Imagine a tribal society where the health of each individual is central to the health of the group. Imagine sharing play, dance, art, music, rituals, and games that bring a sense of connection and freedom. Imagine helping to co-create financial abundance working with the members of your community doing what you love and helping the world to thrive. Imagine yourself as a valuable member of an awakening society. Imagine yourself as a co-creative part of Coalescence Ecovillage. 


Our Shared Purpose

Healthy Social Connection, Closeness, Belonging, Inclusion, and Co-Creation 

Integration, Emotional Development, and Spiritual Evolution

Somatic Embodiment

Health, Wellness, and Healing 

Conscious parenting and child directed learning models

Supportive Tension Revelation (formerly known as “Conflict Resolution”) Strategies

Ecological Regenerative Living

Dynamic Governance based on principles of Sociocracy

Integrated Economic System Design

Community-owned Businesses (Permaculture Farm and Garden, Healing Arts Collective, Education Center, Retreat Center, Somatic Therapies Integration Center, Research, Development and Demonstration, , Conscious Investments, Etc.) 

Coalescence Ecovillage provides a A Launchpad for Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Environmental Health

Research has shown that there are 3 things that create the foundation for holistic wellness:

1) Safe Sanctuary Space: A sense of home that is grounded, stable, and consistent.

2) Safe and Supportive Relationships: Relationships where you are seen, heard, understood, valued, accepted, and approved for who you are, exactly as we show up, in every phase of our existence.

3) A Sense of Purpose: The opportunity to contribute your gifts, passions, interests, aptitudes, and skills to life and to feel that your contribution really matters.


We have been on a journey all over the world feeling into the location that has the most resonance with this vision.

Some of the factors we considered that make a location viable are as follows:

  • Rich Land with Abundant Resources

  • Inspiring Beauty: Ocean, Mountains, Rivers, Lakes

  • Comfortable Climate

  • Fertile and Supportive Land to Grow Food

  • Thriving Economy

  • Conscious Culture

  • Rich with Hiking, Swimming, and Nature Activities

  • Opportunities for Service with Local Community

  • Easy Access to Supplies

  • Well Maintained Roads and Infrastructure

  • Regenerative Living Opportunities

  • Organic Markets

  • Land and Zoning Permits

The Location we have settled on for the Mother project is Maui, Hawaii.

We are visualizing many seed locations all over the world!

So come together with open hearts and open minds and meet others who share your vision for a particular location and allow us to help you cultivate the magic.